When will I receive my shipment?
You can find the delivery date in the order confirmation. We will also notify you by email when your goods are shipped. If your shipment is overdue, please email us with your order number.

What payment terms do you accept?
Payment terms vary from country to country. Please refer to the payment icons at the bottom of the page.

I want to return a shipment. What should I do?
You have the right to cancel your order within 14 days without giving any reason. This 14-day period starts from the date you or a third party (other than the carrier) nominated by you receive the final shipment. Please email our Customer Service Department for more details.

Where can I get a user description of my product?
Use the search function or the main navigation menu to navigate to the product of your choice. Scroll down the page to Item Details where you can learn more about the item.

My product may be defective. Is it under warranty? How can I complain?
Please send us your contact information, along with proof of purchase. The warranty period of a product is usually detailed on the product’s packaging.