Free Trial Policy
We offer a 30-day trial period for all products in the United States.
Before making any purchase, please read our campaign terms and conditions carefully to determine if the item qualifies for the trial period and other conditions.
How the Trial Period Works.
Your trial period begins when your items are delivered. If your order contains multiple items, each item will have its own trial period depending on its actual delivery date.
If your order is shipped in multiple packages, your trial period begins on the date the last package is shipped.
During the trial period, if for any reason you do not like an eligible product, you may return it.

How to return or exchange an item
Items ordered online can be returned at any warehouse, or you can initiate a return through
Return or exchange your online order.
We are committed to the quality and value of the products we sell and offer a risk-free 100% satisfaction guarantee on your membership and merchandise. Exceptions are limited.

You may return or exchange an item through for the following reasons.

You purchased the wrong item.
You received an incorrect item.
You received a duplicate item.
You refused delivery due to a damaged item or box.
An item is missing (replacement only).
The goods are missing.

Return Exception.
If a product purchased from feetwiz arrives damaged or defective, you are eligible to return it without the above prerequisites. We recommend that all shipments be inspected immediately upon arrival. Please note any damage to the box when signing for the goods.
Report any evidence of loss or damage to the feetwiz team promptly.
Notification must be given within one week of delivery. Otherwise, feetwiz reserves the right to deny your claim.
Returns to Hawaii and Alaska are not permitted due to high shipping costs and other shipping regulations.